This week I'm working on some vintage toys! I'm thinking I might make them into a growth chart, but I haven't decided yet. Angela is going to help on this one. We're trying to get a system down, so we can both have some work time. We'll see how it goes. Babies are unpredictable.
I'm also reading a great business book entitled "The Answer", by John Assaraf. It's absolutely not the typical business book and it's really helping me get my goals for the business together. It's great for applying in the rest of your life too, not just in business. He talks a lot about how your brain works and how to re-wire it in order to be successful. He writes a lot about quantum physics too and how it plays into manifesting whatever it is you want. I'm absolutely riveted and can hardly put it down. Hard to believe about a business book, but it's true! I know, I'm a freak, but if anyone out there has read "A New Earth", or "The Secret" and are into that sort of thing, this is the book for you. It explains how the law of attraction works scientifically and how we can tap that power that Eckhart talks about in his book. It'll be interesting to see what happens from it!
OK, gotta get to work-time to write my business goals!