It's my favorite time of year-Halloween and the decorations are in full force at my house. Skeletons are on the windows and doors, bats hanging from every possible location. I was even fortunate enough to have a couple of fires in the fireplace, which is rare for this time of year in California. We've been to the pumpkin patch and shopped for costumes, although I still don't know what I want to be yet. We've even baked a batch of Halloween sugar cookies.
All of the festivities inspired me to design a witch. Not just any witch, she had to be a pin-up girl.
I've always loved the style of Elvgren and all the pin-up artists from the 40's, 50's and 60's. The techniques they used and the control they had over their brushes amazes me and inspires me to be a better artist. I had an opportunity several months back to paint a couple of Gil's girls on the wall of a friends garage and it was the one of the best experiences I've had as an artist. I learned so much from following in the master's footsteps and trying to absorb even a tiny bit of his genius. Of course he was probably turning in his grave knowing I was doing it in acrylic paint on a bumpy garage wall, but what can I say - it was still heaven to me.
The girl I have designed is but
a mere shadow of what the true masters could do, but I'm very happy with her. She's in my style and I put in all the same love in creating her, as Gil did when he painted his girls. She's still in the process of being colored, but here's a bit of a sneak-peak at her. I wanted to have a seasonal line along with the regular stuff and I think she's a pretty good start.