I was lucky enough to catch this amazing bee sampling my roses. Jennifer had been trying for the longest time that day to get a photo of a bee in a flower with no luck. I just happened to be taking a picture this rose when one just appeared. Timing is everything! I love taking pictures of my roses. They really inspire me. Several times a day I look out my front window or go outside to just stare at them in my garden. It's nice to be able to share them with others too!
The other day I was out enjoying my garden and taking some pictures. I snapped one of some of my poppies and decided to play around with Photoshop. Here is the result. I was trying to go for something painterly. It's amazing how it really elevated a somewhat ordinary photograph. I wish I could print it on fabric and use it for a blanket or something. I am dying to try it on some other photographs next!
Another busy day with a new project to give an old kitchen a facelift. It's not our usual work doing murals, which makes it kind of exciting for me. It's for a wonderful family in Chatsworth, CA. Our client Andrea is a very talented and funny writer with a wonderful sense of style. It's a 1950's kitchen that needs to last a little longer until it can be completely redone. The cabinets have good bones and with a little attention and love could be really nice. I'm cutting a simple molding to trim the cabinet doors and adding a crisp coat of plantation white paint and fresh knobs to dress it up a bit. I'm also hoping to add a bit more storage by adding a shelf above the cabinets with baskets to hold some of the less used items in the kitchen. I'm so excited to get started, as I haven't had a makeover project in a long time. I'll be taking some pics this week, so I can share the progress!